Dr. Adam Martínez
Evolutionäre Ökologie
Institut für Organismische und Molekulare Evolutionsbiologie
2009 bis 2015
Ph.D. Kandidat an der University of Georgia Athens, Georgia - Department of Entomology
2005 bis 2009
Bachelor of Science im Fach Biologie an der Oregon State University Corvallis, Oregon - College of Science
Wissenschaftliche Erfahrung
2009 bis 2015
Graduate Research Assistant, University of Georgia Athens, Georgia - Department of Entomology
2007 bis 2009
Student Curatial Assistant, Oregon State University Corvallis, Oregon
2007 bis 2009
Biology Lab Prep Assistant Oregon State University Corvallis, Oregon
Stipendien und Auszeichnungen
- USDA NIFA postdoctoral grant (2015) Declined due to acceptance of other post-doc positon.
- UGA Entomology Outstanding PhD student award (2015)
- University of Georgia Graduate Student Spotlight (2015)
- 2nd Place: ESA National Meeting Student 10 Minute Paper Competition (2014)
- 1st Place: ESA Southeastern Branch Student 10 Minute Paper Competition (2014)
- UGA Department of Entomology Research Fellowship (2009-Present)
- NSF Sponsored REU for the H.J. Andrews Experimental Oregon Opportunity Grant (2008)
- A.L Strand Memorial Scholarship (2008)
- DeLoach Work Scholarship (2008)
- SMART Grant, Oregon State University (2007-2008)
- Diversity Achievement Scholarship, Oregon State University (2005-2009)