Dr. Konstantin Hallmann
2010 - 2016
PhD an der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz (Germany);
Titel: “Life history invariants and their ecological and evolutionary consequences for populations”
Diplom in Biologie (Schwerpunkt: Zoologie, Genetik, Immunologie) an der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz (Germany); Diplomarbeit: “Biogeography of plant traits at a regional scale” betreut von Dr. Jörn Buse in der Abteilung Ökologie (Arbeitsgruppe Prof. A. Seitz†)
• Supervision of student research projects and bachelor theses, e.g. Thesing (2012), “Lebenszyklen mariner Säugetiere (Life cycles of marine mammals)"
• Supervision, guidance and assistance of advanced practical trainings (F1- und F2-Praktika) for students of the courses: Bachelor of Education (Lehramt), Bachelor of Science (Diploma) and Master of Science